Sunday, January 6, 2013

Shower Doodle Poll

The responses so far on my last post were beginning to confuse me (not hard, really...). So: I just linked to a doodle poll in the comments of the last post to better indicate all our shower availabilities, but thought it may be better to pull it into a separate post.

This is a link to the poll. Even if you have never used doodle before, it is simple to fill out:

Fill in your name, then check the box next to the dates you are available for the shower. Leave the ones that don't work for you blank. Click save. Voila!

I added Sundays in there in case they turn out to be easier than Saturdays.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pew! Amalie Needs a SHOWER! ;)

Hey all! I'm wrapping up co-planning a shower for Sean's cousin right now, and it occurs to me we need to get one going for the Amer-Ducks. I'm thinking of a Saturday after Easter and Amalie and Gavin thought it would be ok if we re-used Amalie's and Abby's [fabulous] shower idea of asking the Blue Monkey Art Gallery in Archer, IA to open up their space for hosting it. (If only the Sheldon opera house/movie theater didn't burn down a decade ago...that would have been perfect...except probably not...)

Anyway! Is there a Saturday in April that would work for most folks? Nailing down a date is the big thing right now. Any other shower ideas are also welcome!