Monday, September 10, 2012

No Toes

Shoes!  Glorious shoes.  It has come to my attention that in beginning to think about sewing dresses, we also need to be thinking about shoes.  My mother brought this up with a couple of my bridesmaids, so she does not cut any fabric too short.  Immediately, the question was tossed my way: What kind of shoes are we wearing?!  The following is a description of my vision although it still remains pretty vague.

I would prefer black shoes.  I do not have a height requirement of any kind.  If one is worried about being in heels all day, please wear flats.  If one is vertically challenged and feels the need for a lift, hit the heels.  My only great concern is the amount of toe showing.  I'd prefer a closed toe shoe, however, I would never say no to a peep toe.  My reasoning is this:  I do not want to have to dictate what color toe nail polish everyone must wear, that's just silly.  As this is also a semi formal event, I really don't want to see more foot than shoe.  Finally, let's face it, none of us are extremely tan.  A stark white foot underneath a beautiful, black bridesmaid dress will be rather distracting.  

I think that exhausts all kinds of shoe/foot logic.  I think my mom and I will have fabric sent out by October... I think.  I know that I'm anxious for everything to get rolling.