Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hair Again!

Hello everyone!

I have my final appointment with my beautician, Sara, next week Thursday, and when I meet with her I'd like to give her the number of people and a general idea of hairstyles for the big day.  I want to remind you all that her fee for doing hair for the wedding is already covered.  You just have to say "yes" or "no" to using her and have an idea of what you want for hair.  The sooner I know the numbers, the sooner I can put that into the scheduling too.  I urge everyone to use Sara because she is a professional and will make sure that your style will hold up all day.  Please let me know here if you are going to use her or if you're going to do your own hair.  If you are going to have Sara do your hair, e-mail me a picture or two of hairdo's you'd like to use.  Thank you ladies!  I really appreciate your quick responses and excitement.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

38 days....to Amalie and Gavin's Celebration!

Wow! The anticipation and excitement is growing, plans are progressing, and details are giving me interesting dreams! One of those details, ladies, is the count for the reception supper. If you haven't had the chance already, please fill out the "ticket stub" from the invitation and pop it into the envelope for us. Several of you have already responded, and I am so glad you are asking guests to join with us! What I really need to know is whether or not all of you are inviting a guest to join you at the wedding and reception. I want to be sure our hospitality is enjoyable, with plenty of food!

Thanks for your help and being part of this great celebration!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

For a good night's rest.... (:

I just want to let all you out-of-town bridesmaids and attendants know that you will have a place to sleep on Friday, June 7, and on Saturday, June 8 while you are in Fort Dodge for THE wedding. I have made reservations at the AmericInn for the following: a room with two queen beds for Elizabeth, Becky and Molly; a room with two queen beds for Emma, Addy and Kim; a room for Betsy and Sean; and a room for Abigail. Lowell and I will also be at the AmericInn, so we can help provide shuttle service for attendants who may not always have access to wheels. If you are thinking of staying beyond Sunday, June 9, let me know, and I will alert the management of your intentions. If you wish to rearrange yourselves in room assignments, that is fine with me: this is not a flashback to traveling to dance competitions or state tournaments! No goofy signs on the doors or duct tape to catch anyone sneaking out! But we are going to have fun! Would you believe, the countdown is at 108 days?! Uffda! I need to get back to the sewing machine! (:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Shower Doodle Poll

The responses so far on my last post were beginning to confuse me (not hard, really...). So: I just linked to a doodle poll in the comments of the last post to better indicate all our shower availabilities, but thought it may be better to pull it into a separate post.

This is a link to the poll. Even if you have never used doodle before, it is simple to fill out:

Fill in your name, then check the box next to the dates you are available for the shower. Leave the ones that don't work for you blank. Click save. Voila!

I added Sundays in there in case they turn out to be easier than Saturdays.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pew! Amalie Needs a SHOWER! ;)

Hey all! I'm wrapping up co-planning a shower for Sean's cousin right now, and it occurs to me we need to get one going for the Amer-Ducks. I'm thinking of a Saturday after Easter and Amalie and Gavin thought it would be ok if we re-used Amalie's and Abby's [fabulous] shower idea of asking the Blue Monkey Art Gallery in Archer, IA to open up their space for hosting it. (If only the Sheldon opera house/movie theater didn't burn down a decade ago...that would have been perfect...except probably not...)

Anyway! Is there a Saturday in April that would work for most folks? Nailing down a date is the big thing right now. Any other shower ideas are also welcome!