Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pew! Amalie Needs a SHOWER! ;)

Hey all! I'm wrapping up co-planning a shower for Sean's cousin right now, and it occurs to me we need to get one going for the Amer-Ducks. I'm thinking of a Saturday after Easter and Amalie and Gavin thought it would be ok if we re-used Amalie's and Abby's [fabulous] shower idea of asking the Blue Monkey Art Gallery in Archer, IA to open up their space for hosting it. (If only the Sheldon opera house/movie theater didn't burn down a decade ago...that would have been perfect...except probably not...)

Anyway! Is there a Saturday in April that would work for most folks? Nailing down a date is the big thing right now. Any other shower ideas are also welcome!


  1. Hey Betsy!
    I know I'm probably going to throw a ringer into plans for this, but I'm heading out of town/the Midwest on April 7th/8th-ish to start a clinical rotation in NYC. I'll be out of the area until May 24th...
    What I can propose is having the shower on the 6th, maybe a little on the early side? I have a banquet that evening in Omaha so I could attend something earlier in the day as long as I have time to make it back. Also, maybe we could look for a more central location between Omaha and Sheldon/FD?

    Ok, just throwing that out there! Anyone else?

  2. April 6 and 13th don't work for me, but the 20th or 27th would work! :)

  3. Hello Hello!!!

    Like Emma, I am probably going to be hard to schedule around. The only date that is really really bad for me is the weekend of April 27th. I'll be back in Denver then for another wedding actually. "I love weddings! Drinks all around!!"

    That being said, I think it would be best for everyone else to plan a date that works best for all of you and then I will try my hardest to book another plane ticket and be there.

    Betsy, if you need any help with planning or anything like that I am more than happy to help out! I have never planned a shower (or really attended one either) but I am sure that I could help toss a few ideas around.

    Is any of the shower supposed to be a secret or surprise to Amalie or Gavin? I have no clue if it is, but I don't want to be the one to spill any beans if I am not supposed to!

  4. April 6th, 13th and 20th SHOULD work for me as I look this far in advance. The 27th is the only weekend I know for sure will not work. I also have never planned or attended a bridal shower, so I now will redirect my attention to my google search bar.

  5. April should work for me as well -- I'm scheduled to work mornings most Saturdays through April, but as long as I know early enough in advance I should be able to get someone to cover for me. :) I might have attended a shower once back in the day, but I barely remember it, and I've never planned one. So google it is! Let us know what we can do!

  6. I am available the whole month of April as well, I just need to know far enough in advance so I can take off work.

    I also have never attended/planned a shower but am willing to help in any way possible

  7. Hey all! Thanks for feedback. In order mitigate confusion, how about we indicate availability via this doodle poll:

    It is easy to take: fill in your name, check the box for the dates you are available, leave it blank for the ones you aren't, and click save. We should be able to see what falls out as best for the most people that way.

    I threw in Sundays just in case it turns out they are magically better. Thanks!
